I'm Excited...and Nervous

I can't believe it! Tomorrow I start orientation for my law school career. Basically, I will be starting school on Monday because I had to read a WHOLE book for the occasion and I took copious notes on it. If any of you know me well, writing in books is something that I never do because I don't want my handwriting to make the beautiful book "ugly" but I DID IT. My sister, Abby, would be so proud of me because I wrote in the margins of my book, made sticky notes and wrote questions that I have about why the author wrote the way that he does. It was exhilarating and very scary at the same time. Most of the books that I own look like they have never been read because that's how I like it to look. I like things to be a certain way and when they aren't I tend to have a minor freak out. But I learned how to let go a little bit and write in my book and make it look "read". (What a weird concept...a book looking like it has been read?)

Anyway! Back to school. So I have gotten some new things for school. I got a new laptop (which I am typing on right now). I got a new backpack that is actually the same backpack as Luke's backpack but mine is gray (grey?) and not black. We want to be cute and match but we don't want people to automatically see that we are matching. We want to be a little more subtle that than haha. I got new highlighters and pens which I now realize that I had enough of both before I bought new ones but hey who can have too many green highlighters? I got a new planner which easily is the most important thing that I bought for school. I got mine at TJ Maxx and I probably texted Luke, Ally, my mom, my sister and Lacy to ask which one was the best one to get. I was probably in that isle of TJ Maxx for probably 45 minutes waiting for everyone to respond. I wanted to make the right choice! I ended up getting one that covers me until December 2020. It has green and pink floral on it and it's basically me as a planner. Sometimes I wish I had mine own reality show that I could walk my "followers" through all of my planners and pens and notebooks. Then I would wait for all of the sponsor offers to come in and I would have so many GIVEAWAYS on my Instagram. I guess that's my dream right now.

I also got all but one of my books. I am upset by how much they cost. Honestly, it takes the companies what $10-15 to actually make the book but then the book costs a student (who is already paying thousands in tuition) $250 for ONE class. I mean whoever thought of this is a genius but also kind of a dirtbag. So I have to get all of my books to school tomorrow to put in my locker. I love lockers. Part of me wants to go to Target and get all of those things that you can hang in it so people think "Wow, that Riley girl knows how to decorate a locker. She must have her life together!" If only.

Like the picture to the right, I am so excited yet so scared about what is coming up!

I am so excited to start this new chapter in my life. I am so excited to become a student again. I feel that I have become somewhat stagnant in my life because I feel like I haven't been learning anything new for a long time. I am excited to be stressed about SCHOOL work and I am excited to make connections with people that have the same goals as I do. I am excited to be going through this with Ally. Most of all I am so pumped to be pushing myself to be the best version on myself I can be. Here goes nothing!


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