About the Wesemanns

Might be nice for you all to know a little bit about us.
Luke is from Kaysville/Farmington, UT. I am from Boston, MA.
How did we meet you ask?
We met a church at a linger-longer in Cambridge, MA!
For those of you that don't know what that is...
It's basically when you put out a bunch of free food and then you eat it with the people that are there with you.
Luke was doing his internship and I was home for the summer from BYU-I.

I transferred to the University of Utah.
Two days after I moved to Utah, Luke took me on our first date!
We hit it off immediately and (little did he know) I knew that I wanted to marry this guy
It took us four years but we were sealed for time and all eternity in the Salt Lake City Temple on August 11, 2018.

Before we got married
We both graduated from college
Luke from Utah State University in Logan, UT with a degree in Nutrition Science and minors in Chemistry, Music and Russian
Me from the University of Utah in Salt Lake City, UT with a degree in Political Science with a minor in Writing & Rhetoric
Luke got into medical school at Wayne State University in Detroit, MI
Two months before we got married, Luke moved to Michigan to start school

After we got married
I moved up the Grosse Pointe, MI to be with Luke
I started a job as a Legal Assistant
I studied for the LSAT and took it three times
Fast forward...
I am currently attending the University of Detroit Mercy School of Law.


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