Netflix Saved My Life
I was in school for my undergrad while he was studying for the MCAT but there were only so many things I could read for my Underrepresented Rhetorics class. I mean who can read Nietzsche for 6-8 hours? Your brain goes to goo in 30 minutes. (Unless you're one of those amazing people that can understand and retain his philosophy.) Going to the library was fun in the beginning because I got so ahead in my classes but it got to the point where there was nothing else for me to do. I would sit there and stare at Luke. I would pretend to do things so I didn't look like I was just staring at him for two hours. I wanted to read something but after reading something like Nietzsche reading becomes a difficult task so that was out. I thought about bringing my plethora of journals to write in so I could catch my posterity up on my life. Writing was out. So I decided that I would be an expert in all the shows that I was watching at the time.
WOW! I found the spell to break of boredom curse that I was under. Now, of course, I could have left the library or Luke's place to go do something else (which I did sometimes) but when you literally only have that time to be in their presence, you don't want to be anywhere else. Even when Luke and I hadn't talked for 4 hours while he was studying I was so happy. And I know that he really loved that we were able to be together during that time. Any time that you can "spend together" is a time that is cherished.
So at the beginning, it was a little touch and go. I started watching Dexter. I mean that show is very well written and the actors are phenomenal but it was way too dark for me around season 3 (you think I would have clued in during the first 2 seasons). So I don't know how it ends so if someone wants to tell me please do. Then I started watching this show called Reign. Seriously, fell in love with the characters until one of my favorite characters died and then I couldn't watch it anymore (don't worry I finished this series last week). So to spare myself more heartbreak, I started to watch some documentaries. I found this documentary called Night Before Fall. It's a Holocaust documentary and those that know me will know that I can spit out WWII facts left and right. This documentary is my favorite documentary of all time. In short, it is actual footage that was hidden from the public that exposed exactly what was going on in the concentration camps. Incredibly eye-opening if you are a history buff.
I also finished Vampire Diaries, The Originals, Pretty Little Liars, Once Upon A Time, Jane the Virgin, and all of the other basic TV shows that were available on Netflix at the time of this MCAT. Find that niche that you absolutely love and watch it all. Seriously, you will be the most popular person in your friend group because you can give all of the show and movie recommendations because you have seen it all!
Please comment your favorite shows or movies that stay the wave of boredom!
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