The Beginning

Hello to everyone that reads this blog,

The title that I have chosen for this blog will change when events happen. Luke and I are getting married August 11, 2018!!! Thus this blog will be called then "The Life of an MD's Wife". HOW EXCITING IS THAT!

Anyway, this blog will be about my journey as Luke's fiance, wife, best friend, and so many other things while he is going through Medical School and maybe even a Ph.D. Program. I think that it is important for other people in this position to read about how they are not the only ones going through this and they are not crazy for feeling certain things.

First, I will recap how the MCAT was. It was one of the hardest times in my life because the MCAT (even though I wasn't taking it) had become my whole life. Our lives started to revolve around when studying could happen or what we could and couldn't go to. My life felt like it revolved around going to school to finish my undergrad and then come back to his apartment to make us dinner and then to study and write papers myself. It was one of those things that had become so monotonous that I felt like I was a zombie most of the time.

DISCLAIMER: I love my fiance. I would do the whole MCAT thing again in order for him to get to his dreams.

My love language is "quality time". You can take a quiz that will tell you what your love language is and go from there. If any of you that are reading this have been through this whole preparation stage of med school, there are very few moments during this time that you have time to have quality time with your loved one. It is crazy how much time this test takes away from you. Having this test take away such a substantial amount of time from us, we had to get creative with the way we were able to spend time together. Going to the gym became sort of a "date night" for us. We would go to the gym and talk about our days. We would ask each other for advice in between reps and sets. We would share our sorrows of the day before and after we started so we could focus on each other.
We would call each other every morning on the way to work and school to tell each other things we have dreamed of and how traffic was where we were.

There were other things that seem really little that actually "saved" our relationship. Seriously guys, the little things are the most important. It is so fun to think of little date nights and to figure out how to show each other love.

I would never change the way that we went about the MCAT. Of course, we learned a lot of things about each other and a lot of the time it was hard BUT it was soooooo worth it.

It's going to be hard. It's going to be a strain but if you really try to make it work then it'll be one of the most rewarding things.

I will be posting every other day on weekdays unless something crazy happens!


  1. Awwwwwwww. This is a great idea to connect with others in ur same sitch. I rearmer when you were talking about him taking the test, sounds so brutal. I agree...the little things are lifesavers.

  2. Riley, I wish I could tell you studying and preparing for the MCAT was the hardest part. 😐 But, just like anything in life, you can face it together, one day at a time, with a positive attitude and a lot of understanding and patience. ❤❤❤❤


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