Let's See

Okay, so I am so sorry that I have been totally MIA for the past month or two or so. Man has my life become a whirlwind of craziness. I am going to jump forward and explain what is going on in my life at this moment.

So LUKE GOT INTO MEDICAL SCHOOL!!!!!!!! We will be moving to Detroit, Michigan so that he can attend Wayne State University Medical School. I am beyond excited! I cannot wait to start that chapter of our lives. I can't even believe that this is happening. I can't even believe that I will be moving back to the "East Coast". I am beyond excited. We have officially decided on a moving date. We will be moving most of our stuff June 23 to a cute, little apartment in Grosse Pointe Park, Michigan. It's about a 12-minute car ride to Wayne State University and it's located right next to the Detroit River. BOARDWALKS EVERYONE!!!!

Also, this blog post is going to be more about me than us as a couple and medical school.

I haven't mentioned this in previous blogs but I am planning on going to law school next fall. What does that require? You guessed it...a test that has consumed my social life and a list of requirements that seem arbitrary. As I am writing this, there are about 53 hours until I take my LSAT test. I'm not freaking out...you're freaking out. Just kidding. I have taken about 20 practice tests and used the Kaplan LSAT prep book so I feel as confident as I could at this point. But hey, if you feel like sending some prayers and good vibes my way I wouldn't hate that.

The LSAT is not nearly as long as the MCAT (8 hours compared to 3.5 hours) and I don't have to memorize anything like the MCAT. However, the LSAT is all about mental diligence and being able to read, comprehend, and figure out problems for 3.5 hours straight. In the beginning, I would be an hour into the test and I couldn't comprehend the word "the" or "figure". I felt like I was illiterate and it freaked my brain out a little bit. I for sure did not like that feeling. But as I started taking LSAT practice tests twice a week, my brain was like "THROW ANYTHING AT ME. I TOTALLY WILL DESTROY IT BECAUSE I CAN READ AND COMPREHEND FOR DAYZZZZ!" I am at the point that I know that if I don't psych myself out I will be just fine.

I am actually probably more confident than I should be but I am reading this book called You Are A Badass by Jen Sincero (sorry mom that I said a swear). But this book is seriously changing my life. It's all about how to change your mindset for everything in your life. The biggest thing that I am taking away from this book so far is that if you put your mind to anything, you can absolutely achieve it. The example she uses is that she always visualizes getting an amazing parking space wherever she goes. And guess what? She does. It's all about what thoughts you bring to your life and how you channel your frequency. I want to basically type the whole book right here so everyone can read it but I am pretty sure that's illegal LOL. But I highly recommend that everyone that reads this blog should read that book. If you don't like swears, just put tape on the front cover and you can bring me the book and I'll black out the other swears. You need to read this book no matter how confident you are in yourself. It will change your life.

In closing, I just wanted to make this post about me because why not right? There will be so many more posts coming up because I have decided that this is really important to me. 

Next time: Wedding Planning and the Advice That Comes With It


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