The Week After My Test...
SO. My test is over and I have a few things to say about this. One: I still haven't gotten it into my head that I don't have to study anymore. I am still scheduling my days like I am taking a practice test. Luke asked me the other day when I wanted to do my celebratory LSAT dinner and I said "How about June 29th?" He texted me back confused why I wanted to push it out so far. For a brief half second, I was like, "Luke, you know I need to study" and then I realized....Riley....YOU'RE DONE!
So we scheduled our romantic dinner for next Tuesday if anyone wants to know.
Second: I had no idea how stressed out I was about this test. I have been stressing about a lot of things lately such as: moving to Detroit, Luke starting medical school, getting super sexy for my dress fitting in a few weeks, what shoes am I even going to wear to my wedding, HOW AM I GOING TO DO MY HAIR, taking the LSAT, packing and the list seems like it doesn't end. You should have seen my on Sunday. I was pacing the kitchen as a few of us were talking about how/when we were going to move most of our stuff up to Detroit. I was doing weird yoga poses. I was pulling on my face. I was make weird noises. I literally thought my head was going to explode. I tried to keep my cool but all I could think about was, "Well my test is tomorrow...I hope I am ready."
Fast forward to the next morning. I am nervous sweating all day. I am driving down to Provo to take my test whilst listening to true crime to calm me down. Somewhat worked. Fast forward again to the end of the test and I have never felt so much baggage lift off my shoulders...
I then started thinking about the packing and the major list of things that I have to get done and you know what my first thought was? "I don't care when or how we move." WWWHHHAAAAATTTT
For those of you who know me, I was born a stress ball. I have done a lot of things to curb my stress level but for real. I stress about E-V-E-R-Y-T-H-I-N-G. But now I was the most care-free I have ever been. More on this a little bit later.
Third and Final: MAKE SURE YOU DO YOUR RESEARCH. Okay, this is embarrassing but here we go. I had taken about 21 LSAT practice tests and done the whole Kaplan book (more than 900 pages). Each of the tests that I had taken was four sections. These sections either have Reading Comprehension, Logic Reasoning and Logic Game questions. Each section is 35 minutes long and there is an "optional" writing section.
So I get to my exam and I am feeling all confident. I STUDIED HARD FOR THIS. The proctor starts reading the instructions and she says, "You will be instructed to move through the five sections of your test..." Her voice fades as in my head I scream, "WAIT BACK UP THERE ARE FIVE SECTIONS NOT JUST FOUR!!!!" Well outside, I keep my cool but I was freaking out inside. Luckily, my mental diligence did not waver whilst taking the last section but man...I was really nervous.
I find out my score in a few weeks so let's all cross our fingers for me and pray for me a little bit.
So we scheduled our romantic dinner for next Tuesday if anyone wants to know.
Second: I had no idea how stressed out I was about this test. I have been stressing about a lot of things lately such as: moving to Detroit, Luke starting medical school, getting super sexy for my dress fitting in a few weeks, what shoes am I even going to wear to my wedding, HOW AM I GOING TO DO MY HAIR, taking the LSAT, packing and the list seems like it doesn't end. You should have seen my on Sunday. I was pacing the kitchen as a few of us were talking about how/when we were going to move most of our stuff up to Detroit. I was doing weird yoga poses. I was pulling on my face. I was make weird noises. I literally thought my head was going to explode. I tried to keep my cool but all I could think about was, "Well my test is tomorrow...I hope I am ready."
Fast forward to the next morning. I am nervous sweating all day. I am driving down to Provo to take my test whilst listening to true crime to calm me down. Somewhat worked. Fast forward again to the end of the test and I have never felt so much baggage lift off my shoulders...
I then started thinking about the packing and the major list of things that I have to get done and you know what my first thought was? "I don't care when or how we move." WWWHHHAAAAATTTT
For those of you who know me, I was born a stress ball. I have done a lot of things to curb my stress level but for real. I stress about E-V-E-R-Y-T-H-I-N-G. But now I was the most care-free I have ever been. More on this a little bit later.
Third and Final: MAKE SURE YOU DO YOUR RESEARCH. Okay, this is embarrassing but here we go. I had taken about 21 LSAT practice tests and done the whole Kaplan book (more than 900 pages). Each of the tests that I had taken was four sections. These sections either have Reading Comprehension, Logic Reasoning and Logic Game questions. Each section is 35 minutes long and there is an "optional" writing section.
So I get to my exam and I am feeling all confident. I STUDIED HARD FOR THIS. The proctor starts reading the instructions and she says, "You will be instructed to move through the five sections of your test..." Her voice fades as in my head I scream, "WAIT BACK UP THERE ARE FIVE SECTIONS NOT JUST FOUR!!!!" Well outside, I keep my cool but I was freaking out inside. Luckily, my mental diligence did not waver whilst taking the last section but man...I was really nervous.
I find out my score in a few weeks so let's all cross our fingers for me and pray for me a little bit.
fingers crossed!