Today I Learned...

So you know how Luke is in medical school? And you know how in medical school you have to take anatomy and learn all about the body? AAANNNNDDD you know how Luke has to study all the time and sometimes I help him? Well he just had a big anatomy test and I volunteered to be his "live cadaver". Good idea right? I thought so too.

Let me give a little background...I hurt myself at the gym a few months ago doing the leg press machine. Every so often the injury gets inflammed and I limp around a little. I should probably mention that my injury is in my left hip. ANYWAY...
Luke thought it would be fun/more interactive if we talked about why my hip was hurting...what muscles aren't working...if there is anything that we can do for it without going to a "professional". So he starts to feel around where it hurts. He's pushing on my muscles and telling me which nerves run through the muscles. And then it hits me. For the first time in my whole life I felt like I was going to throw up because we were talking about the human body...

I had to run to the bathroom thinking I was going to throw up. Luke came around the corner attempting to explain why my hip was hurting so bad. I lifted up my hand in a "please stop talking" fashion and said "Luke. I need a break. This is something that I can't handle right now." Since then I haven't been able to be Luke's "live cadaver" without feeling like I was going to pass out.

My little brother has this same issue. He can't talk about anything that has to do with the human body and I always thought that that would never be a problem for me. I thought that I would always be able to talk about the body and everything that's gross that goes on in it.

So I think that it's safe to say that I wouldn't be a good doctor in the least and that it's good that I decided to take care of people's assets and not their bodies.

What's something that you have learned about yourself recently?


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