These 6 Months

I was talking to my mom on the phone today and I realized something. This month is my 6 month anniversary with my husband and my anniversary with Detroit. There are a few things that I want to say about that. 1. How? 2. Excuse me what? and 3. Well, I've loved every single second of it. It feels like it's only been a couple of weeks but then looking back on my wedding day it feels like ages ago. Isn't that what true love is? It's feeling like you haven't spent any time together but you also feel like you have been in love with this person for the longest time.

I have fallen in love with Michigan and Detroit. The city that I live in, Grosse Pointe Park, reminds me a lot of Hingham where I spent most of my "adolescence". The streets are lined with cute colonial homes and trees that hang perfectly to from a tunnel in the fall. The shops are quaint and full of expensive things. Dogs are more abundant than the people that own them. Detroit reminds me of Boston. The Downtown Detroit area has blown up (apparently) in the last couple of years. Greektown has the most delicious food and all of the sports arenas are close together. Sports is a much bigger part of my life than I remember. Detroit Red Wings games are seriously the most fun. Of course Bruins games are the best but the games themselves are second to them.

I love the people here. The people here are sooooo honest and lovely at the same time. It's a breath of fresh air being around people that say what they want and give you their actual opinions. The branch that I am in for my church (The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints) has the most honest and the greatest people I've ever met. I am the Young Women's President in the branch and I have been in that position for about two months. What that means is that I am "over" the girls that are between the ages of 12-18. I have loved every second of it. It's weird to think that I am only a couple of years older than some of these girls and I have to be "in charge" of them. It's been a great experience to go back to where I was a couple of years ago in my testimony of the church and of Jesus Christ. I have been able to refocus my gospel studies and remember how strong my testimony is.

I love my husband. I couldn't imagine living here without Luke. He is working so hard in his schooling and I honesly just look at him soemtimes and blush. I can't believe I was lucky enough to have found him in Boston when I did. We met at the most critical time in my life. I was trying to decide on which school to go to, I was in a relationship that wasn't the best for me and I was trying to decide exactly what I wanted to do with my life. I was completely aimless and I needed someone like Luke to guide me to the direction I am in now.

I am pushing myself to finish my law school applications. I didn't think it woudl be this hard to just finish five law school applications. I get a mental block every time I think I am going to finish one. My mind is racing with questions like: is this going to be good enough? Will this get me into this law school? Will my personal statement be good enough to stand out? I have been realizing more and more that I just have to DO IT! Like come on Riley! Let's just put your head down and do this. But it's so hard when I want to do so many different things. How do I know that this is the right decision to make?


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