My "Ta-Da" List

I am very in to true crime. I have more than 15 books that have to deal with true crime and I've read about 2.5 of them. Every time I am in the car I am listening to a true crime podcast. Some of my favorties are Sword and Scale, Crime Junkie, Casefile True Crime Podcast and Generation Why. My favorite one though is called My Favorite Murder. There are many reasons why it's my favorite podcast but I am going to focus on one reason.

Both of the hosts, Karen Kilgariff and Georgia Hardstark, are very open about their mental health. Last week I was listening to one of the most recent episodes and they started talking about something that I really needed to hear. They started talking about making a "Ta-Da" list instead of a "To-Do" list. I am the type of person that is obsessed with lists. I make a list at work. I make several lists at home. I buy cute notepads that say "To-Do Today" so that I can write my lists. I don't think I could live without my lists. But I have been noticing that my lists don't inspire me go and do. They make me depressed because I can't finish everything on my list. Sometimes these lists even make me feel like I just completely failed that day.

The "Ta-Da" list is all about recognizing the accomplishments that you made that day or that week. Instead of focusing on what I am not able to get done, I get really excited about what I was able to accomplish. So here is what I accomplished or did for myself this week:

  • I finished my personal statement
  • I finished my weekly meal plan 
  • I worked out almost every day this week
  • I went to T.J. Maxx and bought myself a super cute lunchbox
  • I was able to surprise my husband with a hilarious gift without giving any hints
  • I caught myself up on ALL of my Hulu shows (no shame actually)
  • I lost half a pound
  • I paid rent on time
  • I am up to date on our tithing
  • I found a dress to wear to my sister's high school graduation in June
  • I decided that I want to (someday) work in third world countries as a legal specialist in some capacity

Of course there are so many more things that I could put on here but I think you get the jist. I am going to be making one of these lists every week so that my life is more centerd on positivity. I am so tired of everything around me being so negative so I am taking my life in a more positive direction. Who will join me in making these lists?


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