Blogging is hard...

I had a goal for myself to make a blog post every Sunday night/Monday morning and man have I failed at that goal. I haven't been able to sit down and write a "good" blog post in a while. I felt like I just don't have enough content to share every week with the people that read this blog. But I had a bit of a realization today that should have been a realization when I started this blog. ANYTHING that happens in my life is good content. I think that I am hilarious and I think that my life is really interesting. I am going to write about the things that happen to me on a daily basis.

Sometimes I think that I have to have this inspirational message to share or I can't share anything at all. My thought process is: People only want to read things that they haven't really heard before. It peaks their interest because people want to have a different directive. However, this isn't the case at all. People want to read that someone else has the same exact problems or thoughts as them. There isn't a person on this planet that doesn't want to have some sort of connection with someone. Today we can have connections with people that are half way across the world and we don't even realize it.

Let me tell you a little bit about myself so that you can relate to me. I am a complete child at heart. I love Disney movies and can cream anyone in Disney Scene-It (you can challenge me at your own risk). I will cry during any Disney movie because they give me all the feels. I am the biggest softy there is when it comes to dogs. Luke can tell you. We will be having a serious conversation and I will be mid-sentence and scream "DOG LUKE DO YOU SEE THAT PUPPY OVER THERE?" and continue on with our convo.

I am a very open person but I am fiercely private. I can't hide my emotions in any sense of that phrase. If I'm happy you'll know. If I'm super mad you'll for sure know. But I can't bring myself to share my "why" I am feeling this way. I am working on that but it's so hard to get there with the people that you know. Does it come down to trust? I think it does but it comes down to the trust that I have for myself to be emotional.

Now I have so many things I want to say but I don't want to make this too rambling. What is a question that you have for people that are in your life but you feel to nervous to ask them directly?


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