Happy Places

There are very few places in this world that I feel a special connection to. It's hard to find that connection in the world that we have today. Everyone is addicted to their phones or tablets or whatever device they are currently using. I can't count on two hands how many times I have been run into at the grocery store because someone was too busy looking at their phone to see where they were going. It's so frustrating that people can't just put down their phones to even go to the grocery store. (Clearly I am very passionate about this.) But to reel it back to the topic that I initially wanted to talk about. Being connected 24/7 doesn't allow me to create any sort of connections to my surroundings. 
I saw this post that really struck me a few days ago that went a little something like this: "Just for one day put your phone away to make actual memories instead of forcing memories that will look good on your story later." Of course it was said so much better than that but that's how I remember it. Yesterday, Luke and I took two of the youth for a hike to prepare them for TREK this year. It was at Belle Isle in Detroit and we found this trail that was beautiful. It even had a lighthouse! There were so many times that I wanted to reach into my bag and take pictures with my phone so that I could show my friends and followers that I am "one with nature" and that I "love hiking and being outdoors." But that post kept coming back into my mind and so I restrained my urge and just went on the hike. MAN WAS IT TOTALLY AMAZING!!!!! 
I realized two things from my incredible restraint: 1. Nature looks way better to the naked eye than it does on my phone's camera roll and 2. After the hike, I wasn't worried about how many people had seen my story or how many people would've liked the post I made. I was able to actually live in the moment a recognize how I felt in the moment. 
There are few places that allow me to feel this way every time I go there. The one that is the most important to me is the temple. It doesn't matter what temple it is. Whenever I am able to go to the temple whether it's with Luke or with the youth of my branch the feeling is the same - peace. The use of any form of electronic devices isn't allowed but why would it be in such a holy place? 
When I am in the temple there is nothing else that I need to focus on other than the here and the now. My phone is off. There is nothing for me to share on social media about my experience in the form of views and I am free to think for and of myself. The temple has become a sanctuary for me. I have hard time with letting people dictate how I feel about myself. I am very conscious about my body and if I'm "pretty enough" or "funny enough". I constantly hoping that someone will come up to me and say WOW YOUR BODY IS AMAZING. (Luckily, Luke tells me that every day so it fuels that insecurity I have LOL) But when I am in the temple or when I am in nature there's nothing that makes me feel like I am lesser than anyone else.
These device-less sanctuaries are so important. They are the only things that help me to keep my sanity in this plugged-in harsh world of social media. My goal is to find another place here in Michigan that I can put away the distractions of the world and just be myself.


  1. I totally agree! UGH I struggle with the picture taking thing too. The funny thing is the majority of the time when you're looking back at the pictures it doesn't capture it anyway, and you don't end up showing it to people as much as you think you will! It is so refreshing to get a break from your phone. W2G!

    1. I totally agree! I always think about how maybe someone will love the pictures as much I do and no one ever really does!


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